Tuesday, 3 July 2007


"As an artist I am inspired by a strong connection to the earth , to the natural elements, and an exploration into the conscious and subconscious worlds via dreams and meditation. Dreams play a very strong part as do symbols and mythology.

The work is often a spontaneous process full of much appreciated surprise and wonder - a natural meditation from which all sorts of symbols, shapes, colours, forms and themes unravel to combine to provide perfectly integrated and profound stories. Sometimes the themes and elements are well known but often they emerge from somewhere hidden - this combined with the here and now produces little treasures offering insight, joy and wisdom leading to further discovery and inspiration."



Unknown said...

beautiful and vibrant..gorgeous art

Anonymous said...

Serpentmandalas your work is stunning.I have been a fan since I started on etsy!I hope you do extremely well with etsy!

Wendy Paula said...

Beautiful vibrant colours
wonderful work Serpentmandalas!

Kate said...

Wonderful, gorgeous art!